Build System ============ .. topic:: Overview The page goes into details about how the build system is configured. .. _Ant: .. _Ivy: .. _Gradle: Since 5.5, OMERO decouples many components and uses, for some components, an Gradle_-based build. The two overarching repositories are :omero_subs_github_repo_root:`omero-build` and :omero_subs_github_repo_root:`omero-gradle-plugins`. See the README of each repository for more details. OMERO still uses an Ant_-based build, for some components, with dependency management provided by Ivy_. :doc:`C++ code ` is built using Cmake and Python uses the traditional distutils/setuptools tools. Structure of the build ---------------------- This is an (abbreviated) snapshot of the structure of the filesystem for OMERO:: OMERO_SOURCE_PREFIX | |-- build.xml .......................... Top-level build file | |-- ........................... Python wrapper to handle OS-specific configuration | |-- omero.class ........................ Self-contained Ant launcher | |--etc ................................. Configuration folder | |-- grid ........................... Deployment files folder | |-- ivysettings.xml ................ Main Ivy configuration file | |-- | |-- | |-- logback.xml | |-- | \-- profiles | |-- examples ........................... User examples | \components | |-- .................. Each component has this same basic structure. | |-- build.xml ................... Build file | |-- ivy.xml ..................... Jar dependencies | |-- test.xml .................... Test dependencies | |-- src ......................... Source code | |-- resources ................... Other files of interest | |-- test ........................ Test source code and test resources | \-- target ...................... Build output (deleted on clean) | | NOTABLE COMPONENTS | |--tools ............................. Other server-components with special build needs. | |--build.xml .................... Build scripts | | | \-- | |--build.xml ............... Build file | \--ivy.xml ................. Jar dependencies | \--antlib ............................ Special component which is not built, but referenced by the build | \--resources ..................... Build resources |--global.xml ................ Global build properties |--hibernate.xml |--lifecycle.xml ............. Ivy-related targets \--version.xml ............... Version properties .. note:: User examples are explained under :doc:`/developers/GettingStarted` Unfortunately, just the above snapshot of the code repository omits some of the most important code. Many megabytes of source code is generated both by our own :dsl_plugin_sourcedir:`DSLTask <>` as well as by the Ice_ ``slice2java``, ``slice2cpp``, and ``slice2py`` code generators. These take an intermediate representation of the :model_doc:`OME-Model ` and generate our |OmeroModel|. This code is not available in git, but once built, can be found in all the directories named "generated". Build tools ----------- Ant ^^^ ``./`` is a complete replacement for your local ant install. In many cases, you will be fine running :program:`ant`. If you have any issues (for example ``OutOfMemory``) , please use ``./`` instead. **However, only use one or the other; do not mix calls between the two.** The main build targets are defined in the top-level :file:`build.xml` file. All available targets can be listed using:: ./ -p Ivy ^^^ The build system uses Ivy_ 2.3.0 as the dependency manager. The general Ivy configuration is defined in a :ivydoc:`settings file ` located under :source:`etc/ivysettings.xml`. In order to determine the transitive closure of all dependencies, Ivy resolves each :file:`ivy.xml` file and stores the resolved artifacts in a :ivydoc:`cache ` to speed up other processes. The OMERO build system defines and uses two kinds of caches: #. the local dependencies cache under :file:`lib/cache` is used by most resolvers #. Maven resolvers use the Maven cache under :file:`~/.m2/repository` .. note:: When the Ivy configuration file or the version number is changed, the cache can become stale. Calling ``./ clean`` from the top-level build will delete the content of the local cache. :ivydoc:`Resolvers ` are key to how Ivy functions. Multiple dependency resolvers can be defined fine-grained enough to resolve an individual jar in order to pick up the latest version of any library from a :ivydoc:`repository `, a :ivydoc:`generic URL ` or from the :ivydoc:`local file system `. Since OMERO 5.1.3, the remote repository resolvers are set up to resolve transitive dependencies. The OMERO build system uses by default a :ivydoc:`chain resolver ` called ``omero-resolver`` which resolves the following locations in order: #. :file:`target/repository` which contains most artifacts published by the build system in the `install` step of the lifecycle #. the local dependency repository under :file:`lib/repository` #. the local Maven cache under :file:`~/.m2/repository` #. the `Maven central repository `_ #. the `OME artifactory`_ Bio-Formats dependencies are resolved using a specific :ivydoc:`chain resolver ` called ``ome-resolver`` which resolves the following locations in order: #. the local Maven cache under :file:`~/.m2/repository` #. the `OME artifactory`_ To define its dependencies, each component uses a top-level :ivydoc:`Ivy file `, :file:`ivy.xml`, for the build and optionally another Ivy file, :file:`test.xml`, for the tests. The OMERO build system defines and uses four types of Ivy :ivydoc:`configurations `: #. build: defines dependencies to be used for building #. server: defines dependencies to be bundled under :file:`lib/server` #. client: defines dependencies to be bundled under :file:`lib/client` #. test: defines dependencies to be used for running the tests While building, most Java components follow the same lifecycle define in :source:`lifecycle.xml `. The default `dist` target for each component calls each of the following steps in order: #. retrieve: :ivydoc:`retrieve ` the resolved dependencies and copy them under :file:`target/libs` #. prepare: prepare various resources (property files, :source:`lib/logback-build.xml`) #. generate: copy all resources from the previous step for compilation #. compile: compile the source files into the destination repository #. package-extra: package the sources and the Javadoc into Jar files for publication #. package: package the compiled classes into a Jar file for publication #. install: convert the component Ivy file into a pom file using :ivydoc:`makepom ` and :ivydoc:`publish ` the component artifacts Individual components can override the content of this default lifecycle via their :file:`build.xml`. .. _build#OmeroTools: OmeroTools ^^^^^^^^^^ The Ant_ build alone is not enough to describe all the products which get built. Namely, the builds for the non-Java components stored under :sourcedir:`components/tools` are a bit more complex. Each tools component installs its artifacts to the tools/target directory which is copied **on top of** the :file:`dist` top-level distribution directory. Jenkins ^^^^^^^ The OME project currently uses Jenkins_ as a continuous integration server available :mergeci:`here <>`, so many binary packages can be downloaded without compiling them yourself. See the :devs_doc:`Continuous Integration documentation ` for further details. Server build ------------ The default ant target (``build-default``) will build the OMERO system and copy the necessary components for a binary distribution to the :file:`dist` directory. Below is a comparison of what is taken from the build, where it is put, and what role it plays in the distribution. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - OMERO_SOURCE_PREFIX - OMERO_SOURCE_PREFIX/dist - Comments * - components/tools/OmeroCpp/lib* - :file:`lib/` - Native shared libraries * - lib/repository/ - :file:`lib/client` & :file:`lib/server` - Libraries needed for the build * - etc/ - :file:`etc/` - Configuration * - :file:`sql/*.sql` - :file:`sql/` - SQL scripts to prepare the database .. note:: By default, |OmeroCpp| are not built. Use ``build-all`` for that. These files are then zipped to via ``release-zip`` Coupled development ------------------- Since OMERO 5.1.3, Bio-Formats is decoupled from the OMERO build system which consumes Bio-Formats artifacts from the OME Maven repository via Ivy_. While this decoupling matches most of the development use cases, it is sometimes necessary to work on coupled Bio-Formats and OMERO branches especially during breaking changes of the OME Data Model or the Bio-Formats API. The general rule for coupled branches is to build each component in their dependency order and use the local Maven repository under :file:`~/.m2/repository` to share artifacts. Building Bio-Formats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From the top-level folder of the Bio-Formats repository, #. if necessary, adjust the version of Bio-Formats which will be built, installed locally and consumed by OMERO e.g. for 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT:: $ ./tools/ 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT #. run the Maven command allowing to build and install the artifacts under the local Maven cache:: $ mvn clean install Building OMERO ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From the top-level folder of the OMERO repository, #. in :omero_subs_github_repo_root:`omero-model`, adjust the version of ``ome:formats-gpl`` in :model_source:`build.gradle` to the version chosen for the Bio-Formats build #. publish locally the change using ``gradle publishToMavenLocal``