Server configuration -------------------- The :program:`omero config` command is responsible for reading/writing user-specific profiles stored under :file:`$OMERODIR/etc/grid/config.xml`. To get the current profile, use the :program:`omero config def` command:: $ omero config def default You can then examine the current profile keys using :program:`omero config get` and set key-value pairs using :program:`omero config set`:: $ omero config get $ omero config set example "my first value" $ omero config get example=my first value You can use the :envvar:`OMERO_CONFIG` environment variable to point at a different profile, e.g.:: $ OMERO_CONFIG=another omero config def another $ OMERO_CONFIG=another omero config get $ OMERO_CONFIG=another omero config set example "my second value" $ OMERO_CONFIG=another omero config get example=my second value The values set via :program:`omero config set` override those compiled into the server jars. The default values which are set can be seen in :doc:`/sysadmins/config`. To add several values to a configuration, you can pipe them via standard in using :program:`omero config load`. To grep for the example LDAP configuration from :server_source:` ` :: $ grep omero.ldap src/main/resources/ | OMERO_CONFIG=ldap omero config load $ OMERO_CONFIG=ldap omero config get omero.ldap.attributes=objectClass omero.ldap.base=ou=example,o=com omero.ldap.config=false omero.ldap.groups= omero.ldap.keyStore= omero.ldap.keyStorePassword= omero.ldap.new_user_group=default omero.ldap.password= omero.ldap.protocol= omero.ldap.trustStore= omero.ldap.trustStorePassword= omero.ldap.urls=ldap://localhost:389 omero.ldap.username= omero.ldap.values=person Each of these values can then be modified to suit your local setup. To remove one of the key-value pairs, pass no second argument:: $ OMERO_CONFIG=ldap omero config set omero.ldap.trustStore $ OMERO_CONFIG=ldap omero config set omero.ldap.trustStorePassword $ OMERO_CONFIG=ldap omero config set omero.ldap.keyStore $ OMERO_CONFIG=ldap omero config set omero.ldap.keyStorePassword $ OMERO_CONFIG=ldap omero config get omero.ldap.attributes=objectClass omero.ldap.base=ou=example,o=com omero.ldap.config=false omero.ldap.groups= omero.ldap.new_user_group=default omero.ldap.password= omero.ldap.protocol= omero.ldap.urls=ldap://localhost:389 omero.ldap.username= omero.ldap.values=person If you will be using a particular profile more frequently you can set it as your default using the :program:`omero config def` command:: $ omero config def ldap And finally, if you would like to remove a profile, for example to wipe a given password off of a system, use :program:`omero config drop`:: $ omero config drop