.. walkthroughs are generated using a bash script, see .. https://github.com/ome/omero-install OMERO.server installation on RHEL 9/Rocky Linux 9 ================================================= This is an example walkthrough for installing OMERO on RHEL 9/Rocky Linux 9, using a dedicated local system user. You can use this as a guide for setting up your own test server. For production use you should also read the pages listed under :ref:`index-optimizing-server`. This guide will install Python 3.9. Since 5.6, a new :envvar:`OMERODIR` variable is used, you should first unset :envvar:`OMERO_HOME` (if set) before beginning the installation process. This guide describes how to install using the **recommended** versions for Java, Ice, PostgreSQL. This should be read in conjunction with :doc:`../version-requirements`. This guide **does not** describe how to install OMERO.web. To deploy OMERO.web, please read :doc:`install-web/walkthrough/omeroweb-install-rockylinux9-ice3.6`. These instructions assume your Linux distribution is configured with a UTF-8 locale (this is normally the default). For convenience in this walkthrough, we will use the **omero-server system user** and the main OMERO configuration options have been defined as environment variables. When following this walkthrough you can either use your own values, or alternatively create :file:`settings.env` for example under ``/tmp`` e.g. ``/tmp/settings.env`` containing the variables below and source it when required: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/settings.env :start-after: Substitute Installing prerequisites ------------------------ **The following steps are run as root.** Install Java |javaversion_recommended|, Ice |iceversion| and PostgreSQL 15: To install Java |javaversion_recommended| and other dependencies: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: # install Java :end-before: #end-step01 To install Ice |iceversion|: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: #start-recommended-ice :end-before: #end-recommended-ice To install PostgreSQL 15: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: # install Postgres :end-before: #end-step01 .. Note:: if you are installing PostgreSQL in a Docker container, some of the commands above will not work. For more details check `step01_rocky9_deps.sh `_ Create a local omero-server system user, and a directory for the OMERO repository: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: #start-step02 :end-before: #end-step02 Make the :file:`settings.env` available to the omero-server system user by copying in to the user home directory. The file will need to be sourced each time you switch user. You could add ``. ~/settings.env`` to the omero-server system user ``bash`` profile. Create a database user and initialize a new database for OMERO: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: #start-step03 :end-before: #end-step03 Installing OMERO.server ----------------------- **The following step is run as root.** We recommend to create a virtual environment and install the Ice Python binding and the dependencies required by the server using ``pip``: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: #start-step03bis :end-before: #end-step03bis Download and unzip OMERO.server: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: #start-release-ice36 :end-before: #end-release-ice36 Change the ownership of the OMERO.server directory and create a symlink: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: #end-release-ice36 :end-before: #end-step04-pre Configuring the OMERO.server ---------------------------- **The following steps are run as the omero-server system user.** (``su - omero-server``) The variable ``OMERODIR`` set in :download:`settings.env ` above **must** point to the location where OMERO.server is installed. e.g. ``OMERODIR=/path_to_omero_server/OMERO.server``. Note that this script requires the same environment variables that were set earlier in `settings.env`, so you may need to copy and/or source this file as the omero user. Configure the database and the location of the data directory: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: #end-copy-omeroscript :end-before: #end-step04 .. include:: ciphers .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: #start-seclevel :end-before: #end-seclevel Running the OMERO.server ------------------------ **The following steps are run as the omero-server system user.** (``su - omero-server``) OMERO should now be set up. To start the server run:: omero admin start Should you wish to start OMERO automatically, a `systemd service file` could be created. An example :download:`omero-server-systemd.service ` is available. Copy the ``systemd.service`` file and configure the service: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: #start-step06 :end-before: #end-step06 You can then start up the service. Securing OMERO -------------- **The following steps are run as root.** If multiple users have access to the machine running OMERO you should restrict access to OMERO.server's configuration and runtime directories, and optionally the OMERO data directory: .. literalinclude:: walkthrough/walkthrough_rocky9.sh :start-after: #start-step07 :end-before: #end-step07