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OmeroWeb.test.integration.test_tree.TestTree.test_marshal_images_dataset (from pytest)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since #77 )
Took 2.8 sec.

Error Message

AssertionError: assert [{'id': 7369,...grp isOwned'}] == [{'archived':...': 4584, ...}]
  At index 0 diff: {'id': 7369, 'name': 'ImageA', 'ownerId': 4584, 'permsCss': 'canEdit canAnnotate canLink canDelete canChgrp isOwned'} != {'archived': False, 'id': 7369, 'name': 'ImageA', 'ownerId': 4584, 'permsCss': 'canEdit canAnnotate canLink canDelete canChgrp isOwned'}
  Full diff:
  -         'archived': False,
            'id': 7369,
            'name': 'ImageA',
            'ownerId': 4584,
            'permsCss': 'canEdit canAnnotate canLink canDelete canChgrp isOwned',
  -         'archived': False,
            'id': 7368,
            'name': 'ImageB',
            'ownerId': 4584,
            'permsCss': 'canEdit canAnnotate canLink canDelete canChgrp isOwned',


self = <test_tree.TestTree object at 0x7f5a9d148610>
userA = (<omero.clients.BaseClient object at 0x7f5b1a063e80>, object #0 (::omero::model::Experimenter)
    _id = object #1 (...nnotationLinksSeq = 
    _annotationLinksLoaded = False
    _annotationLinksCountPerOwner = 
project_hierarchy_userA_groupA = [object #0 (::omero::model::Project)
    _id = object #1 (::omero::RLong)
        _val = 1063
    _name = object #127 (::omero::RString)
        _val = ImageB
    _description = <object #14>

    def test_marshal_images_dataset(self, userA,
        Test marshalling images for userA, groupA, datasetA
        conn = get_connection(userA)
        dataset = project_hierarchy_userA_groupA[2]
        images = project_hierarchy_userA_groupA[4:6]
        expected = expected_images(userA, images)
        marshaled = marshal_images(conn=conn,
>       assert marshaled == expected
E       AssertionError: assert [{'id': 7369,...grp isOwned'}] == [{'archived':...': 4584, ...}]
E         At index 0 diff: {'id': 7369, 'name': 'ImageA', 'ownerId': 4584, 'permsCss': 'canEdit canAnnotate canLink canDelete canChgrp isOwned'} != {'archived': False, 'id': 7369, 'name': 'ImageA', 'ownerId': 4584, 'permsCss': 'canEdit canAnnotate canLink canDelete canChgrp isOwned'}
E         Full diff:
E           [
E               {
E         -         'archived': False,
E                   'id': 7369,
E                   'name': 'ImageA',
E                   'ownerId': 4584,
E                   'permsCss': 'canEdit canAnnotate canLink canDelete canChgrp isOwned',
E               },
E               {
E         -         'archived': False,
E                   'id': 7368,
E                   'name': 'ImageB',
E                   'ownerId': 4584,
E                   'permsCss': 'canEdit canAnnotate canLink canDelete canChgrp isOwned',
E               },
E           ]

test/integration/ AssertionError