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OmeroWeb.test.integration.test_plategrid.TestScreenPlateTables.test_get_plate_table (from pytest)

Failing for the past 1 build (Since #92 )
Took 7.1 sec.

Error Message

failed on setup with "omero.InternalException: exception ::omero::InternalException
    serverStackTrace = 
    serverExceptionClass = 
    message = null table as argument


itest = <test_plategrid.itest.<locals>.PlateGridIWebTest object at 0x7fda3e2982e0>
well_grid_factory = <function well_grid_factory.<locals>.make_well_grid at 0x7fda436e9a60>
update_service = 7f13beb5-a1e0-4470-9449-3c2c9d0b17b9/a1fef513-4156-4179-ba04-66c195abf72comero.api.IUpdate -t -e 1.1:tcp -h -p 33171 -t 60000
conn = <omeroweb.webclient.webclient_gateway.OmeroWebGateway object at 0x7fda410b1910>

    def plate_well_table(itest, well_grid_factory, update_service, conn):
        Returns a new OMERO Plate, linked Wells, linked WellSamples, and linked
        Images populated by an L{omeroweb.testlib.IWebTest} instance.
        plate = PlateI() = rstring(itest.uuid())
        # Well A1 has one WellSample
        plate.addWell(well_grid_factory({(0, 0): 1})[0])
        plate = update_service.saveAndReturnObject(plate)
        col1 = WellColumn('Well', '', [])
        col2 = StringColumn('TestColumn', '', 64, [])
        columns = [col1, col2]
        tablename = "plate_well_table_test:%s" % str(random())
>       table = conn.c.sf.sharedResources().newTable(1, tablename)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

self = 7f13beb5-a1e0-4470-9449-3c2c9d0b17b9/a1fef513-4156-4179-ba04-66c195abf72comero.grid.SharedResources -t -e 1.1:tcp -h -p 33171 -t 60000
repoId = 1, path = 'plate_well_table_test:0.8178695441145538', _ctx = None

    def newTable(self, repoId, path, _ctx=None):
>       return _M_omero.grid.SharedResources._op_newTable.invoke(self, ((repoId, path), _ctx))
E       omero.InternalException: exception ::omero::InternalException
E       {
E           serverStackTrace = 
E           serverExceptionClass = 
E           message = null table as argument
E       }

../../../../.venv3/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/ InternalException