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  1. merge master -Dorg -Ssuccess-only (details)
  2. Update component versions (details)
Commit 7696c0bafd8718c87d7f8cd6a16d0a9509e7c440 by snoopycrimecop
merge master -Dorg -Ssuccess-only

Repository: ome/bio-formats-build
Already up to date.

Merged PRs:
  - PR 604 dependabot[bot] 'Bump bio-formats-examples from `74d4def` to `9955ace`'
  - PR 605 dependabot[bot] 'Bump bio-formats-documentation from `afd4c11` to `670251d`'
  - PR 606 dependabot[bot] 'Bump bioformats from `682bc7e` to `7dd002d`'

Repository: ome/ZarrReader
Excluded PRs:
  - PR 74 dgault 'JZarr: Add jackson.core and jackson-databind to exclsions' (exclude comment)
  - PR 73 dgault 'Update ReadMe and Change Log' (status: failure)
  - PR 20 dgault 'ZarrReader: Use chunk API' (exclude comment)
Already up to date.

Merged PRs:
  - PR 75 dgault 'Update handling and parsing of acquisition metadata'
  - PR 82 dgault 'Reintroduce S3FileSystemStore'

Repository: ome/bio-formats-documentation
Already up to date.

Merged PRs:
  - PR 375 dgault 'Update MDB Tools link'

Repository: ome/bio-formats-examples
Already up to date.

Merged PRs:
  - PR 69 dgault 'Add macro examples from OME 2020 NGFF workshop'
  - PR 127 jburel 'Matlab Examples'
  - PR 128 sbesson 'Relicense Bio-Formats examples under BSD 2-clause'

Repository: openmicroscopy/bioformats
Excluded PRs:
  - PR 4181 melissalinkert 'Add support for reading compressed NDPI tiles' (label: exclude)
  - PR 4180 melissalinkert 'Columbus: update to use micrometers instead of `reference frame` for positions' (label: exclude)
  - PR 4172 sbesson 'testSaneUsedFiles: check getCurrentFile is the first file in the getUsedFiles list' (stage: draft)
  - PR 4164 melissalinkert 'Reduce DICOM write time' (stage: draft)
  - PR 4131 dgault 'VirtualImagePlus: Retain B&C settings for each slice' (status: failure)
  - PR 4092 NicoKiaru 'Commits an alternative Zeiss CZI Reader' (user: NicoKiaru)
  - PR 4000 XLEFReaderForBioformats 'Reworking LMSMetadata package and adding a new lif reader' (user: XLEFReaderForBioformats)
  - PR 3898 melissalinkert 'InCell 1000/2000 field count and plane metadata fixes' (stage: draft)
  - PR 3794 dgault 'Chunk API: Add new API and functionality for reading and writing chunks' (label: exclude)
  - PR 3680 iwbh15 'Performance increase in writeIFD' (user: iwbh15)
  - PR 3618 dgault 'Memoizer: Persist caching to sub readers' (label: breaking)
  - PR 3537 dgault 'Flex: Merge IDR changes and add new group plate option' (label: exclude)
Already up to date.

Merged PRs:
  - PR 4130 carandraug 'matlab/bfGetPlane.m: avoid use of makeDataArray2D when Octave (ome/bio-formats-octave-docker#29)'
  - PR 4177 melissalinkert 'Fix some Java 9+ warnings in formats-bsd'
  - PR 4178 melissalinkert 'Fix most Java 9+ deprecation warnings in bio-formats-plugins component'
  - PR 4179 melissalinkert 'Fix Java 9+ deprecation warnings in smaller components'
  - PR 4182 melissalinkert 'Fix Java 9+ warnings in formats-gpl component'
  - PR 4188 melissalinkert 'Fix a few string comparisons, fixes #4184'

Repository: ome/ome-codecs
Already up to date.

Merged PRs:
  - PR 37 melissalinkert 'JPEG: warn if quality is outside [0.25, 1.0]'

Repository: ome/ome-common-java
Excluded PRs:
  - PR 59 NicoKiaru 'adds AverageImageScaler implementation of IImageScaler' (user: NicoKiaru)
Already up to date.

Repository: ome/ome-jai
Already up to date.

Repository: ome/ome-mdbtools
Already up to date.

Repository: ome/ome-metakit
Already up to date.

Repository: ome/ome-model
Excluded PRs:
  - PR 180 joshmoore 'xsd-fu: templates for linkml generation' (stage: draft)
Already up to date.

Conflicting PRs (not included):
  - PR 174 jburel 'Remove docs'

Repository: ome/ome-poi
Already up to date.

Repository: ome/ome-stubs
Already up to date.

Generated by BIOFORMATS-push#50 (
The file was modified ome-common-java (diff)
The file was modified bio-formats-documentation (diff)
The file was modified ome-poi (diff)
The file was modified ome-codecs (diff)
The file was modified ome-model (diff)
The file was modified ome-stubs (diff)
The file was modified ome-metakit (diff)
The file was modified ome-mdbtools (diff)
The file was modified ome-jai (diff)
The file was modified bio-formats-examples (diff)
The file was modified .gitmodules (diff)
The file was modified bioformats (diff)
The file was modified ZarrReader (diff)
Commit 68b7569127890acc0a0bf4961e39200c59d734b0 by snoopycrimecop
Update component versions
The file was modified bio-formats-examples (diff)
The file was modified ome-codecs (diff)
The file was modified bio-formats-documentation (diff)
The file was modified ome-metakit (diff)
The file was modified bioformats (diff)
The file was modified ome-model (diff)
The file was modified ome-poi (diff)