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  1. redirect to general installation (details)
  2. redirect to general server doc (details)
  3. register the redirects (details)
  4. add new redirects (details)
  5. remove ref to debian 10 (details)
  6. add extra line (details)
Commit c07b08cd09908c9f9c40941f107885b96c3d9f76 by j.burel
redirect to general installation
The file was modified omero/sysadmins/unix/install-web/walkthrough/omeroweb-install-debian9-ice3.6.html (diff)
Commit 2bcd2edf31ef908951108b70b57c71dfc1058ed8 by j.burel
redirect to general server doc
The file was modified omero/sysadmins/unix/server-debian9-ice36.html (diff)
Commit 6a8d25d09e9e3e579931467e6af2f01916118323 by j.burel
register the redirects
The file was modified omero/ (diff)
The file was addedomero/sysadmins/unix/install-web/walkthrough/omeroweb-install-debian10-ice3.6.html
The file was addedomero/sysadmins/unix/server-debian10-ice36.html
Commit 4f8f7e45f4c109ee9dd4d6a5856037ffbb5b5bee by j.burel
remove ref to debian 10
The file was modified omero/ (diff)
The file was modified omero/sysadmins/unix/server-installation.rst (diff)
The file was removedomero/sysadmins/unix/install-web/walkthrough/omeroweb-install-debian10-ice3.6.rst
The file was removedomero/sysadmins/unix/server-debian10-ice36.rst
The file was modified omero/sysadmins/unix/install-web/web-deployment.rst (diff)
The file was modified omero/sysadmins/unix/server-debian9-ice36.html (diff)