Bump bio-formats-documentation from `bbaea0c` to `420d469`
Bumps [bio-formats-documentation](https://github.com/ome/bio-formats-documentation) from `bbaea0c` to `420d469`. - [Commits](https://github.com/ome/bio-formats-documentation/compare/bbaea0c37448d24dd156edebf6ee605c142d598c...420d469749e20f13229ada7d82dfb354e619d67e)
Repository: ome/bio-formats-examples Already up to date.
Repository: openmicroscopy/bioformats Excluded PRs: - PR 4270 melissalinkert 'InCell: allow mix of 2D and 3D channels to be treated as a Z stack' (label: exclude) - PR 4260 melissalinkert 'UpgradeChecker: more thorough check of upgrade check result and HTTP response code' (stage: draft) - PR 4254 melissalinkert 'Memoizer: ask any ImageReader instances to remove all but the current reader' (stage: draft) - PR 4092 NicoKiaru 'Commits an alternative Zeiss CZI Reader' (user: NicoKiaru) - PR 4000 XLEFReaderForBioformats 'Reworking LMSMetadata package and adding a new lif reader' (user: XLEFReaderForBioformats) - PR 3794 dgault 'Chunk API: Add new API and functionality for reading and writing chunks' (label: exclude) - PR 3618 dgault 'Memoizer: Persist caching to sub readers' (label: breaking) Already up to date.
Merged PRs: - PR 4130 carandraug 'matlab/bfGetPlane.m: avoid use of makeDataArray2D when Octave (ome/bio-formats-octave-docker#29)' - PR 4243 melissalinkert 'Update IExtraMetadataWriter.setExtraMetadata(...) to accept an Object' - PR 4272 sbesson 'FakeReader: add support for populating channel wavelengths and instrument' - PR 4274 melissalinkert 'Metamorph: prevent NumberFormatException when trying to read wavelength in nm' - PR 4276 melissalinkert 'ND2: preserve pixel type when a multi-position dataset is found'
Repository: ome/ome-codecs Already up to date.
Repository: ome/ome-common-java Already up to date.
Repository: ome/ome-jai Already up to date.
Repository: ome/ome-mdbtools Already up to date.
Repository: ome/ome-metakit Already up to date.
Repository: ome/ome-model Excluded PRs: - PR 218 DimitriPapadopoulos 'Enforce ruff rules' (user: DimitriPapadopoulos) Already up to date.
Repository: ome/ome-poi Already up to date.
Repository: ome/ome-stubs Already up to date.
Generated by BIOFORMATS-push#362 (https://merge-ci.openmicroscopy.org/jenkins/job/BIOFORMATS-push/362/)